Emerging Market Bonds: Outlook
  • Central banks in Emerging Markets (EM) have been implementing more aggressive tightening of monetary policies
  • Fiscal positions in most EM are stronger than in many developed countries and euro zone nations
  • As a result of the higher interest rates and currency appreciation in EM countries, we have seen strong inflows into EM debt
  • The better credit fundamentals across EM debt (compared with euro zone sovereign debt) will continue to underpin the positive fundamentals
  • EM bonds can provide equity-like returns with lower risks
United Emerging Markets Bond Fund
Fund Objectives
The global economy looks set to continue to grow with EM economies providing an increasingly important contribution to global economic growth. Growth and yields are higher for Emerging Markets compared to Developed Markets. The Fund aims to offer you a potential distribution of 5% p.a. of the net asset value (NAV) per unit every month. The Fund has sustained regular distributions since 2003.
Additional Info
To learn more about this fund, please click on the links below to download the relevant document.
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